<% ' フォームからポストされたデータを取得する ShowMonth = Request.Form("ShowCalendar") If ShowMonth = "" then ShowMonth = Date() End If ' 前月,今月,来月の1日付けの日付を取得する CalShowStart = CreateNewMonthDay(ShowMonth,0) CalMorePrev = CreateNewMonthDay(ShowMonth,-1) ColMoreNext = CreateNewMonthDay(ShowMonth,1) ' 表のヘッダ部分 ' 月・曜日の表示 ' 移動するボタンの表示 %> <% Do If Day(CalShowStart) = 1 and _ WeekDay(CalShowStart) > 1 Then Response.Write "" For i = 1 to Weekday(CalShowStart) - 1 Response.Write "" Next End If If Weekday(CalShowStart) = 1 then Response.Write "" End If %> <% If Weekday(CalShowStart) = 7 then Response.Write "" End If CalShowStart = CalShowStart + 1 If CalShowStart = ColMoreNext then If WeekDay(CalShowStart) = 1 then Exit Do Else For i = 0 to (7 - WeekDay(CalShowStart)) Response.Write "" Next Response.Write "" Exit Do End If End If Loop '===================================================== ' 指定した数字分の月の1日付けの日付を返す '===================================================== Function CreateNewMonthDay(MonthPrev, DiffMonth) MonthPrevYear = Year(MonthPrev) MonthPrevMonth = Month(MonthPrev) MonthPrevDay = Day(MontPrev) MonthPrevMonth = MonthPrevMonth + DiffMonth If MonthPrevMonth < 1 then MonthPrevYear = MonthPrevYear - 1 MonthPrevMonth = MonthPrevMonth + 12 ElseIf MonthPrevMonth > 12 then MonthPrevYear = MonthPrevYear + 1 MonthPrevMonth = MonthPrevMonth - 12 End If CreateNewMonthDay = CDate(MonthPrevYear & "/" _ & MonthPrevMonth & "/1") End Function %>
<%= Year(ShowMonth) %>年<%= Month(ShowMonth) %>月
<% = Day(CalShowStart) %>